HealO Medical
SentriO™ Mask System
Breakthrough oxygenation mask system.
SentriO Oxyu2122 is a newly available, FDA-cleared, patent-pending mask system.

HealO Medical
SentriO™ Mask System
Ultra-high oxygenation
Provides ultra-high oxygenation even on low-flow (5-10 LPM) oxygen. Compared to HFNC (High Flow Nasal Cannula) at 60 LPM (liters per minute) flow, SentriO Oxy™ delivers comparable or better results using just 16% to 25% of the oxygen (86,400 liters/day of oxygen on HFNC vs. 7,200 to 14,400 liters/day on SentriO Oxy™).

Early COVID Support
Protects and treats hypoxic COVID patients early in the infection—at HOME –to prevent multi-organ damage by only relying on an oxygen concentrator as an oxygen source. (Other devices require much higher oxygen flow than can be provided by home oxygen concentrators and in spite of high flow, some of these achieve significantly lower oxygenation).
Preventing a COVID complication is always better than reacting to one. Aside from vaccines, SentriO Oxy™ does that better than any other available therapeutic modality because nothing improves oxygenation as astoundingly effectively and as economically.
Considering the more than 760,000 deaths in the U.S. (as of Nov. 15, 2021), the looming $8.5 trillion treatment and rehabilitation cost for post-COVID complications, the severe and costly suffering of developing nations in having to rely on tank oxygen that costs 10X as much as liquid oxygen and is difficult and unreliable to procure, it is an opportune time that the SentriO Oxy is becoming available starting late November 2021.
Consider this typical clinical scenario of oxygenation performance of HFNC compared to the SentriO Oxy™.

Learn more about SentriO™ Mask System with Junala